Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dave Matthews Band...

...can match every mood imaginable.

Love struck?
Lover Lay Down


I'll Back You Up

Dancing Nancy

Crash...or Crush...or Say Goodbye...or...well, most DMB songs. ;)

Where Are You Going?

Heart Broken?
Grace is Gone

Pondering mortality?
Cry Freedom, Tripping Billies, Pig...okay, all the songs that aren't about sex.

There has been so much I've learned, experienced and pondered because of Dave Matthews Band. Sure, that may sound very Fan Girl of me...but it is true. When it comes down to it, Dave Matthews Band has meant more to me than any other music group I've had experience with. Sure, I'll always have a deep love for Jethro Tull because of my parents...and a love of the Beatles for the same. They Might Be Giants is one of my favorite groups...and I'd follow Tool to the ends of the earth to watch them play. But, when it comes down to the one band who has literally changed the spectrum of my will always be DMB above all others.

With lyrics like, "I will go in this way and I'll find my own way out." and "Turns out not where but who you're with that really matters." and "Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes, but I'll work it out." I found strength to think thoughts that I was too scared to think during a time I needed the encouragement most.

Lyrics like, "Do what you will always walk where you like your steps, do as you please, I'll back you up." and "if along the way you are growing weary, you can rest with me till brighter days." helped me think more of other's wellbeing more than my own.

"And if you hold on tight to what you think is your thing, you may find you're missing all the rest." gave me the strength in more than one occasion to remove myself from a bad situation.

So, I know life was actually altered because of the Dave Matthews Band...and I'm happy to still feel as great about them today as I did when I first heard them in high school.