Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It isn't easy... be the support system.

WHSjr turns 31 today. Imagine, we were just 14 and 16 when we started dating...during round one. ;) Next month will be the 15 year anniversary of our meeting. Hard to believe.

I'm proud to report that WHSjr passed his orals and his proposal defense today. He is officially a PhD candidate. It has been a very stressful and exhausting period of time. And I'd just like to give a shout out to all of the unsung heroes in the quest for higher education: The spouses and the parents. It is a horribly helpless feeling to sit back and watch someone you love be so stressed out and working so hard, and literally having NOTHING you can contribute. I can only imagine it being similar to watching your partner give birth. Gut wrenching, really. Sure, it wasn't my ass on the line...but I've lost more sleep over all of this...and it has nothing to do with whether or not he'd pass. It had everything to do with the stress he was under. Trying to make things as simple as possible on every other front...and anyone else in a similar situation can tell you this: It is a thankless position. Heck, after everything, I wasn't even third to find out that it was over and he had passed. And I get it, there are other obligations. There are people to meet with, there are papers to fill out and there is hob-nobbing to do. And that is part of this postion, too. My friend Jamie once told me that a person persues a PhD not for money, but for passion. And the truth is, my place in this passion is a distant and low priority...and it is a humbling experience for me to learn to accept that. So, much love to the others in this position...I know you're not allowed to say it outloud ever...but I'm acknowledging it for is hard and deep down, you're appreciated.